Mikvah/ Eruv / Bikur Cholim

Women’s Mikvah – Daughters of Israel Mikvah
located at 2530 Pine Tree Dr. Miami Beach
Florida 305-672-3500

As of January 1st 2016 the Mikvah on 2530 Pine Tree will have new hours of operation Sunday thru Thursday 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm Friday by appointment only Saturday from 8:00 pm to 10 pm Special circumstances need to be arranged in advance

The Miami Beach Eruv
Refer to the website every Friday for any alerts or boundary changes. Miamibeacheruv.com

You can sign up to the Eruv mailing list below:

Online Form Builder

South Boundary, starting west and proceeding east.

East Boundary, proceeding north – Oceanfront
The North Boundary (Proceeding West)
The West Boundary

Click to open map

Bikur Cholim Miami Beach

If you know anyone that could use help please refer them to Bikur Cholim. See how you can get involved in Bikur Cholim or donate.

Check out the website



Minyan Schedule